A simple way to gain an understanding of how prolonged screen time causes eye fatigue is to sign up for our White Paper. It’s an extensive deep dive into the history of asthenopia (eye strain), exploring how different generations have tried to mitigate the risks, ( it goes as far back as Dante,) and it looks into the theories of colour contrast validation. You can sign up for it here.
What can you do right now to prevent computer eye fatigue/screen fatigue?
Below are a few ideas that you can implement straight away.
Change the brightness settings on your screen.
It’s advisable to adjust the brightness of your screen for your eyes, and your environment/workspace. One trick that’s often used is the white paper trick. Grab a piece of white paper and put it against your screen. Log into word or Google docs, and then adjust the screen so that the brightness of the screen is the same whiteness as the paper.

Look out for lighting.
Another little, but annoying thing to look out for is the overhead lighting – is this causing a reflection on your screen? Is it going into your eyes? If so try and adjust where you are sitting, turn off the lights, or change the position of your pc.
Adjust the text size.
This is something many of us forget that we can do or may even feel ashamed that we need to do it, but you will see on this website we have tabs on the left-hand side that let you change the background colour of the site, plus buttons to increase and decrease the size of the text. Give it a play and you might be surprised at the positive difference it can make.
Increase browser display size
Following on from adjusting the text size on your pc, tablet, phone, is to adjust the text size in the browser display, because let’s face it – some trendy websites are hard to read. Google how to do this for your browser, it’s very simple, and could make the world of difference to your eye strain.
Our optimiser gives you an objective, individualised coloured background for your laptop or PC. Having the correct coloured background reduces the colour contrast to a comfortable ratio for you, and as one of users has said – soothes your eyes!
(see our colour contrast blog as to why colours really help – it’s all to do with the excitation of the brain, but it still part mystery!)
The 20 -20 -20 rule.
This simply means after 20 minutes of looking at a screen, look away for 20 seconds at something 20 feet away – (which is about 6 meters). This allows the eyes to rest and re calibrate and give them their full range of movement.
Glare reflection filters
These do help, as they cut the glare, so reducing the stress to your eyes, though you will need to shop around for the right one for you.