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Optimised Colours

Different coloured backgounds for the same texts

We are often amazed that people can even read some of these texts!
We are often amazed that people can even read some of these texts!
We are often amazed that people can even read some of these texts!
We are often amazed that people can even read some of these texts!
We are often amazed that people can even read some of these texts!
We are often amazed that people can even read some of these texts!
We are often amazed that people can even read some of these texts!
We are often amazed that people can even read some of these texts!
We are often amazed that people can even read some of these texts!

Find your optimal colour with the Display Screen Optimiser

Do you know someone like Giselle?

Image for Giselle

She spent her early years in special schools simply because she wasn’t enabled to read.

She was labelled with so many acronyms it made your head spin.

Special Educational Needs, Learning Disability,  and Dyslexic. (ADHD, SEN, SpLD and more…).

Effectively excluded from learning yet her dream was to run her own business.

She started saving her pocket money, then her wages until she bought a business and within five years had paid off the mortgage and owned the building outright, plus the stock.

Giselle didn’t let her eyesight stop her, but think how much easier it would have been had she not seen text like a dollop of alphabet spaghetti?

One day she met Nigel who noticed her unstable binocular vision. He said, “I might be able to do something about that if you are up for it?”, and she said yes.

Giselle tried his Binocular Eye-Trace Kit and, sure enough after a few seconds her eyes were struggling to sustain “convergence and accommodation”, (making sense of the words) on-screen.

Her eyes were back-tracking and re-reading to make sense of the sample passage yet, when the screen background or “Colour Contrast” was customised for her, her reading rate went from 145 words per minute to a fluent 280 words per minute.

Needless to say, this was very emotional for her.

30% of children in the 21st Century are now at risk of eye-strain. You might be, if you notice at the end of the day your eyes are tired from staring at a screen.

If all children are to become functionally literate and fully participate in text-based life-long learning in the digital age, one that’s increasingly dependent on e-learning both during COVID-19 and post COVID-19, they need to have the right tools!

Colour contrast validation is one of those tools.

Find out more our Display Screen Optimiser and the charity work we do to help others that are dismissed as acronyms, where in reality, they simply needed better tools to help them read…

Dyslexia Tests

QSDyslexiatest Website Image

QuickScan Dyslexia Questionnaire and QuickScreen Dyslexia Test

QuickScan and QuickScreen – Two OnLine dyslexia tools.

QuickScan is an online questionnaire that provides an insight into learning modalities and other aspects of study skills as well as dyslexia.

QuickScreen is a more in-depth diagnostic-style test that looks at ability and performance in a range of literacy skills.

QS Dyslexia Tests (QS) provide two online products for dyslexia screening for young people and adults and will flag up indicators for dyslexia.

The dyslexia screening tools are ideal for both:

  • individuals at home –  and
  • organisations – for their recruits, staff or students with a management portal, detailed reporting and annual licenses

Whether you are a personal user, educational establishment or workplace organisation, you have the option to use one or both of these screening tools depending on your requirements and results.

Please note there are costs associated with both tests.

But if you are signed in as a Display Screen Optimiser subscriber you can have a free go on QuickScan on the Tools Page

Why are we mentioning another company and website on our site? Because coloured overlays, in our case background colours for your digital display screen, help with dyslexia too.

In fact, this is how they were brought mainstream.

From working with people with dyslexia, we now know that coloured backgrounds also help mitigate the risks of screen fatigue.

For more information about QuickScan and QuickScreen, hop over to their website.

For more information about coloured overlays, and how colours can help you to improve your reading speed, improve your productivity and mitigate the harms of screen fatigue:

We suggest further reading from our blog – Colour Contrast 101 why is it important for eye health and then this excerpt from our white paper – Colour optimisation and visual stress